Preston Kite
Alum Gliding through Challenging Science and Engineering Programs
College can be overwhelming for any freshman, but even more so for those entering specialized technical programs.
Fortunately, Prep alum Preston Kite ’20 breezed through his first year at New Mexico Tech and continues to succeed, thanks to the preparation he received at Sandia Prep.
Preston, who’s studying a combined bachelor’s and master's in Computer Science and Engineering, says he’s grateful for the groundwork he laid at Prep.
“New Mexico Tech can be a difficult time for freshmen, because the introduction classes are rigorous,” Preston explains. “Sandia Prep gave me a solid foundation to be able to handle many of these courses.”
For instance, physics teacher Amy James and biology teacher Ernie Polansky “covered many topics relevant to Chemistry 1 and 2 at Tech,” he says.
Additionally, Prep allowed Preston to take independent studies, such as Calculus 3 and Programming 3, to give him a jumpstart on college curriculum. “The teachers at Sandia Prep truly care about the academic success of students and have made my college experience a lot easier,” he says.
At Tech, Preston is president of the eSports Club, was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Student Government Association (SGA) in 2021-2022, and is a member of the Waffle Club, which involves hanging out at midnight every Saturday and eating … waffles. “It’s been a long tradition at Tech,” Preston says.
He’s also participated in various volunteer opportunities in Socorro, including setting up and running art fairs at a nearby elementary school, helping run Tech’s annual golf tournament fundraiser, and setting up eSports booths at events “so that people in Socorro are more aware of the opportunities in the sport,” he explains.
In his role as CFO for Tech’s student government association, Preston managed approximately $250,000 for the university’s clubs and organizations.
As eSports president, he organizes various eSports teams and events under the Athletic Department. “Our eSports teams are competitive with colleges 15 times our size,” he says.
That “small but mighty” school spirit is something that Preston enjoyed during his time at Prep. Whether at athletic events or when he gave a speech in front of thousands of people in his bid for State Student Government vice president, “I enjoyed the experiences where Sandia Prep competed in activities with schools many times our size.”
“The teachers at Sandia Prep truly care about the academic success of students and have made my college experience a lot easier.”
The Lion played eSports at Prep, as well as running track and participating in student government. He was student body president his senior year.
Preston is a second-generation Prep graduate: His dad, Kristofor, graduated in ’93.
“It was fun running into a teacher or faculty member who knew my dad when he was in high school,” Preston says. “I think we both tried to leave a lasting impression at Prep, and it was nice having that in common.”
Since graduating from Prep, Preston has received a “Tech Scholar” award for high performance at Tech and became a year-round intern for Sandia National Labs, working with embedded systems.
After he completes his degrees, Preston hopes to find a niche in the cutting-edge field of computer science. “I’m particularly interested in quantum computing, which can help solve complex problems that our computers now cannot,” he says.
He’s also considering pursuing a PhD in quantum computing.
“And just when Prep thought they were done with the Kites,” he adds, “my younger brother Mason is probably up next. I’m sure that Prep will be great for him, just like it was for me and my dad.”
Chances are, Prep will be thrilled to welcome another high-flying Kite into the fold.
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